Thursday, April 5, 2012

Day one of relaxation...success! And a FREEBIE!!

What a nice day I've had so far today.  I brought my youngest son to school, he was super excited that mom was able to drop him off special instead of having to take the bus from the sitter's house like normal.  Then I spent a lazy morning with our pup catching up on my favorite blogs, browsing Teachers Pay Teachers, and watching shows that have built up in the dvr.  After lunch I took the pup out and then was able to rake my front yard, it was gorgeous out!  Almost fifty degrees and sunny, it felt so nice!  I've been so relaxed today that I've started working on revamping the reading log that I have my students use during their independent reading times.  I really want to get more caught up and get some more products made with all of the ideas that I have kicking around in my head!  For now, he's a little something I'd like to share.  This is a 3-2-1 Summarizer that I use with my students as a quick assessment.  We use them quite often in our classroom, they can be used for any subject/content you wish.  This one I designed for our weather unit, and it's for sale currently in my TpT store for $1.00.  You can grab your own copy of it here for the next few days for free! =) If you like this freebie please leave me a note and let me know, and be sure to follow me for future updates!

3-2-1 Weather Summarizer .


I'd love to hear from you! =)