Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Sorry it's been a while, and a FREEBIE!

I feel bad that I haven't posted in a while.  Summer is definitely keeping our family busy!  On top of that we're prepping for our vacation next week, SUPER EXCITED!  We're going to be camping for a week near Lake George, New York, so blog posts next week are bound to be sparse as well.  So, to tie you over until then ;)  I'm posting this freebie!
Click on the picture to download your copy!
I've been spending a lot of time creating materials to go along with my new classroom color scheme, and wanted to share this with all of you.  Hopefully they will be of use to someone else as well! =)  I have also been working on organizing my reader's workshop binders, writer's workshop binders, classroom labels, etc. but I will post more about them in the future.  I hope everyone has a great rest of the week! =)  I'm off to get some new sandals for my son before our trip, and to do my best to resist all of the school supplies that are being put out already...cross your fingers and wish me luck!


  1. Okay...I adore your blog name!!! Because, it's so true! People still don't believe me when I share how I had to confront one of boys about "sword fighting" in the boys' bathroom. I could not keep a straight face through that discussion!!!

    I am very interested in your reader's and writer's binders you are setting up. I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to do mine...

    I'm glad I found your blog! I'm your newest follower. Enjoy the rest of your summer.

    Grade Three is the Place for Me

  2. Thanks so much for stopping by! And, that is EXACTLY why I chose that family look at me like I'm nuts sometimes when I relay the events of some of our days! I always say if we could set up cameras in our classrooms we would have the most popular reality t.v. shows, and we'd be wealthy enough to retire! lol I just returned from our trip to New York, and am trying to catch up, but I'll definitely post more when I get the binder pages going. =)

  3. Hi!
    I have given your blog an award for those of us with less than 200 followers. Check out my blog at I am your newest follower!
    Mindy :)

    1. Thanks for stopping by, and for the award. I'll be sure to stop over your blog as well! =)

  4. Another third grade teacher here...I can't wait to read more of your posts!


    1. Thanks so much for stopping by! Your blog looks great as well, and I'm your newest follower =)


I'd love to hear from you! =)