*Note* Please excuse the horrible mess you are about to see...please don't judge! ;)
I'm sure you're all aware of the saying "Nothing says tired like back to school tired." Well, I am living this, as are so many of us I'm sure. Today was a perfectly embarrassing example of how much I am living this. Each morning when I get into my classroom I place my things on my small group table, and put my lunch away in my mini fridge. I headed back to my small group table to take things needed for the day out of my bag. Not paying close attention, I accidentally bumped the side of my school bag, which fell over on the table. I heard a loud clattering followed by a crash on the floor. Having no clue what in my bag could possibly have made that sound, (and worrying that I had left my camera in there and just dumped it) I walked around the table and looked on the floor. Imagine my surprise when on the floor I see the portable telephone from my kitchen. Apparently in my exhausted stupor this morning when I thought to myself "I need to make sure I have my phone with me," my brain didn't process that I meant cell phone. When my neighbor next door came into my room and saw the phone she said "How's the reception with that?" At least we got a good laugh out of it! I came home this afternoon and set my bag down like always. I called my hubby over and sang the "One of these things just doesn't belong here..." song. He just shook his head at me and said "Seriously?" Early to bed tonight? I think so! Oy!
Can't Make This Stuff Up...Adventures in Teaching!
Friday, September 6, 2013
Monday, September 2, 2013
Currently September and Back to School!
Happy September! I am loving the little hints of fall that are making their way to us...cooler mornings, and crisp evenings...I love fall! It's my favorite season. I can't wait until next month to go apple picking! I'm once again linking up with Farley for her fabulous Currently!
I love that for the last one we're focusing on taking care of ourselves...as teachers I know that most of us put our own well being on the back burner in order to tend to the demands of teaching and our families. In the long run we're really hurting ourselves if we're not taking care of ourselves when we can. My goals for this school year are to make time for exercise, to take less of the job home with me, and to try to focus on thinking positively about myself. I really tend to have a negative inner voice directed at myself personally, and I want to work on that. There's power in positive thinking! =)
My own boys were sad to see summer come to an end, but I think they are getting back into the swing of things with school. Our youngest is in 5th grade and is at the middle school with his older brother who's in 8th grade this year. He is so happy to be back in school with his big brother, even if only for this year. I can't believe how fast time is flying by, they are turning into such handsome young men if I do say so myself! These were pictures from their first morning back to school...they were up and at 'em, but by the end of the day they were both so tired! Nothing says tired like back to school tired, that's for sure! I plan to post soon some pictures of my classroom set up for this year...I'm a little behind the ball on that one! Have a great week! =)
My own boys were sad to see summer come to an end, but I think they are getting back into the swing of things with school. Our youngest is in 5th grade and is at the middle school with his older brother who's in 8th grade this year. He is so happy to be back in school with his big brother, even if only for this year. I can't believe how fast time is flying by, they are turning into such handsome young men if I do say so myself! These were pictures from their first morning back to school...they were up and at 'em, but by the end of the day they were both so tired! Nothing says tired like back to school tired, that's for sure! I plan to post soon some pictures of my classroom set up for this year...I'm a little behind the ball on that one! Have a great week! =)
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Back to School Savings!
It's that time of year again...the annual Back to School Sale at TpT! I don't know about all of you, but my wishlist is PACKED with all the goodies that I can't wait to add to my cart...nothing like a good sale to ease the pain of saying goodbye to summer and heading back to school!
Be sure to enter the promo code BTS13 for up to 28% off! Happy shopping! =)
Be sure to enter the promo code BTS13 for up to 28% off! Happy shopping! =)
Friday, August 16, 2013
Dog days of summer...
I know that for many of us the last few days of summer vacation are slipping away...and to those teacher friends who have already returned to school I hope you are having a wonderful new school year. This summer I really found myself in school denial...not sure why, and this was the first summer in eight years that I really made sure to devote time with my family and relaxing. It has been wonderful! Don't get me wrong, I still have blog stalked on a daily basis, and Pinterest has consumed way more time than I'm willing to even admit! (I'm sure I'm not alone on either of those points, right?? lol) Our family didn't have a big go-away type vacation this summer, but we still managed to cram in lots of day trips, memories and fun. Here are a few snapshots of my favorites. =)
Along with camping at the ocean, going mini golfing, to the zoo, watching 12 year old all star baseball, putting up a pool, and building a shed, we've also fit in bowling, a visit to an armory museum, a family cookout, a huge surprise birthday party for my Grandpa's 80th birthday, and lots more! So, we've definitely been busy! Not summer is winding down and I'm here wishing it would go on and on...lol. I did crawl out of my denial anddrag myself head into school to work on my classroom a bit. My furniture is back in place and I was able to get some sorting of materials done. I still have to label supplies and place them on students' desks, as well as put up some of the Monday Made Its that never made it...lol. Please tell me that I am not alone in trying to squeeze summer out as long as possible! =) Enjoy your last days of vacation if you still have them...back to school in T minus 9 days for this lady!
Along with camping at the ocean, going mini golfing, to the zoo, watching 12 year old all star baseball, putting up a pool, and building a shed, we've also fit in bowling, a visit to an armory museum, a family cookout, a huge surprise birthday party for my Grandpa's 80th birthday, and lots more! So, we've definitely been busy! Not summer is winding down and I'm here wishing it would go on and on...lol. I did crawl out of my denial and
Thursday, August 1, 2013
The beginning of August has arrived and I am linking up with Farley's Currently
Listening I am loving being able to catch up on all of the Bones reruns...I love this show and can't wait til the new season starts up again...in the meantime I'll enjoy David Boreanaz episode after episode ;)
I am loving having so much time with my boys...we've been to the zoo, movies, bowling, kayaking, camping, to the ocean, mini golfing, hiking, etc...Our state offers Free Fun Friday events at many different museums and venues all over the state. Last Friday we enjoyed visiting the Higgins' Armory Museum. This museum has been around for as long as I can remember. My younger brother stayed over night there when he was young and in scouts. This December the museum is closing, so I wanted to be sure to bring my boys there while we still had the chance to go.
They had a blast checking out all of the suits of armor, weapons, making their own shields, and of course the gift shop! lol
I REALLY need to start thinking about the end of summer and getting some back to school planning done...it has been way too easy to ignore that so far this summer!
We put up an above ground pool a couple of weeks ago, and I would really love to have a deck to go along with it...I can picture it now with a patio table up there and some chairs...and reading while the boys have water battles with each other...lol. Guess that will have to be next summer's project...
MOTIVATION...I have none, well none when it comes to things I know I should be doing but can't seem to make myself do...anyone else with me???
B2S Must-haves
1. A cute planner...I am so much more likely to refer back to my daily calendar if I like it... =) This year I purchased an adorable blue and white chevron planner from Target.
2.Fun, colored pens...need I say more? Everything looks better in color...I think so anyway!
3. Product: I am looking forward to purchasing and printing out these Shout Outs! Recognizing Amazing Students
I love being able to send home good notes for students. I believe that it helps to build their confidence, encourage others to do well, and honestly, what parent wouldn't want to receive a note that their student has done something great?
Here's to enjoying the remaining days of summer...and to those of you who are already heading back to school- have a wonderful start to the year!
Monday, July 1, 2013
Happy summer everyone! I hope that you are all enjoying your time off from the daily grind...I'm hooking up again for my favorite linky...Farley's Currently.
Listening to...
I will admit it, my guilty pleasure is the Twilight Saga...much to my husband's dismay. He will walk into the living room and roll his eyes as if to say "You are watching that again?" lol Sorry dear!
That it's finally summer vacation. We had so many snow days to make up that even after giving up three days of our April vacation we were in school until June 24th! So, we haven't even yet had a full week off, but I am loving it! Finally there's some time to unwind and spend time with my boys. <3 I'm also really trying to talk the hubby into a date night...I want to see The Conjuring big time-I LOVE spooky movies! =)
That I have so much to get together, get packed up and ready to go if we are going camping this week. Our plan is to head out Wednesday evening for Maine after our oldest son's All-Star Little League game. Guess I better get on that tomorrow for sure...Wednesday will be here before we know it.
The hubs to have more time off with us. He only has three weeks off all year and I tend to feel guilty about all of the relaxing time that we have without him. I always tell him he should go back to school to be a history teacher, but he won't bite...
A new hard drive for my laptop...I am unfortunately one of those people who has gotten hooked on Candy Crush. Last week when I was on a level that I have been trying to beat for what seemed like forever, I got to a point where I was one move away from being able to beat the level. I was SO FRUSTRATED that I slammed my hands down on the computer...what a dope! =( Double lessons learned here right? It's just a dumb game, and a temper tantrum gets you no where...ugh! Please tell me that I am not the only one who's gotten hooked into this silly game! Please?? lol
Tips, Tricks, or Hints...
Don't feel like you HAVE to always blog...I spend so much time blog stalking and gathering ideas, that most days, by the time I would even get around to blogging I'm sort of over it, and that's okay. I think it's better not to drum up some generic blah blah blah just to post, you know?
Well, I'm off to finishing picking up the kitchen, and to hopefully watch a movie with the hubs...happy summer everyone! =)
Listening to...
I will admit it, my guilty pleasure is the Twilight Saga...much to my husband's dismay. He will walk into the living room and roll his eyes as if to say "You are watching that again?" lol Sorry dear!
That it's finally summer vacation. We had so many snow days to make up that even after giving up three days of our April vacation we were in school until June 24th! So, we haven't even yet had a full week off, but I am loving it! Finally there's some time to unwind and spend time with my boys. <3 I'm also really trying to talk the hubby into a date night...I want to see The Conjuring big time-I LOVE spooky movies! =)
That I have so much to get together, get packed up and ready to go if we are going camping this week. Our plan is to head out Wednesday evening for Maine after our oldest son's All-Star Little League game. Guess I better get on that tomorrow for sure...Wednesday will be here before we know it.
The hubs to have more time off with us. He only has three weeks off all year and I tend to feel guilty about all of the relaxing time that we have without him. I always tell him he should go back to school to be a history teacher, but he won't bite...
A new hard drive for my laptop...I am unfortunately one of those people who has gotten hooked on Candy Crush. Last week when I was on a level that I have been trying to beat for what seemed like forever, I got to a point where I was one move away from being able to beat the level. I was SO FRUSTRATED that I slammed my hands down on the computer...what a dope! =( Double lessons learned here right? It's just a dumb game, and a temper tantrum gets you no where...ugh! Please tell me that I am not the only one who's gotten hooked into this silly game! Please?? lol
Tips, Tricks, or Hints...
Don't feel like you HAVE to always blog...I spend so much time blog stalking and gathering ideas, that most days, by the time I would even get around to blogging I'm sort of over it, and that's okay. I think it's better not to drum up some generic blah blah blah just to post, you know?
Well, I'm off to finishing picking up the kitchen, and to hopefully watch a movie with the hubs...happy summer everyone! =)
Sunday, June 30, 2013
Goodbye Google Reader, Hello Bloglovin...
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