Monday, April 1, 2013

April...really? And CURRENTLY...

April?  Seriously?  Pause button please.  We had a very lovely Easter this weekend.  We cooked a nice dinner at our house with my mother-in-law.  My own mother is currently on vacation in Washington, D.C. so we didn't have our typical egg hunt for the kiddos.  We'll have that when Granny returns from her trip.  Even with such a relaxing weekend Monday is back and I'm exhausted!  I'm thinking it's from all of the hard work we're doing in class. ;)  We are chin-deep in our fractions unit, and presently reviewing before our unit assessment on Wednesday.  Once we finish up with fractions we're moving on the geometry.  I have to say that this year's class has really enjoyed fractions much more than classes I've had in the past have.  Two resources that I have used along with my fractions resources/lessons are:

And also:
These two were worth every penny!   My class has really enjoyed digging deeper into our math notebooks, and they keep asking to play fractions tic tac toe. The hands-on activities in More Time 2 Teach's unit were excellent!  

I suppose it's time to swap out our seasonal writing prompts.  I use these for my students who are fast finishers.  Time to take out my April prompts I suppose!
Sorry for the glare by the window...
Speaking of April, I've linked up with Farley for this month's currently.
Happy Spring! =)


  1. Love your advice. That is one of my goals. I've been getting a facial once a month and it's been wonderful. Happy Spring!

    1. Happy spring to you as well! I've never had a facial before...but you mentioning that made me think of getting a pedicure, so I just might do that asap! ;)

  2. I'm a huge NCIS fan too! Have to say that I don't miss snow since moving to FL 11 years ago.

    Math is Elementary

    1. I can't even pick a favorite character on NCIS, I love them all! =) We had 9 snow days in all this winter, so we had to give back 3 of our vacation days... =( We'll at least end up with two long weekends, so I'm hoping we can squeeze in a little fun. I feel terrible because my sons go to school in a different town, and they have vacation ALL week...bummer! I think I would miss snow if we didn't get any, but I can do without over 100 inches in one winter! lol

  3. We are studying fractions too. I'll have to check out the 2 products. Gotta love boys and their big feet. My son is 12 and is wearing a 10/11. I can't take it!! :-) I just went back to school today from spring break. No snow days in South Florida! Happy to be your newest follower!
    Beach Sand and Lesson Plans

    1. Gina-that's the exact same as my 12 year old!!! It's nuts! He's taller than me, and I've had to bring him shopping for clothes 4 times since school started! And, of course he's running track now and his shoes can't take it lol. Thanks for stopping by! =) I'm headed over to check out your blog now! =)

  4. We lost a couple days of our spring break a couple years ago and I was so sad!

    I need to take more time for myself as well! :)


  5. I will definitely be sad, but I suppose I should be happy to not be in school until July ;) Taking time for myself is definitely easier said than done...I bet most teachers are that way...


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