Monday, July 1, 2013


Happy summer everyone!  I hope that you are all enjoying your time off from the daily grind...I'm hooking up again for my favorite linky...Farley's Currently.

Listening to...
I will admit it, my guilty pleasure is the Twilight Saga...much to my husband's dismay.  He will walk into the living room and roll his eyes as if to say "You are watching that again?" lol  Sorry dear!
That it's finally summer vacation.  We had so many snow days to make up that even after giving up three days of our April vacation we were in school until June 24th! So, we haven't even yet had a full week off, but I am loving it!  Finally there's some time to unwind and spend time with my boys. <3  I'm also really trying to talk the hubby into a date night...I want to see The Conjuring big time-I LOVE spooky movies! =)
That I have so much to get together, get packed up and ready to go if we are going camping this week.  Our plan is to head out Wednesday evening for Maine after our oldest son's All-Star Little League game.  Guess I better get on that tomorrow for sure...Wednesday will be here before we know it.
The hubs to have more time off with us.  He only has three weeks off all year and I tend to feel guilty about all of the relaxing time that we have without him.  I always tell him he should go back to school to be a history teacher, but he won't bite...
A new hard drive for my laptop...I am unfortunately one of those people who has gotten hooked on Candy Crush.  Last week when I was on a level that I have been trying to beat for what seemed like forever, I got to a point where I was one move away from being able to beat the level.  I was SO FRUSTRATED that I slammed my hands down on the computer...what a dope! =(  Double lessons learned here right?  It's just a dumb game, and a temper tantrum gets you no where...ugh!  Please tell me that I am not the only one who's gotten hooked into this silly game! Please?? lol
Tips, Tricks, or Hints...
Don't feel like you HAVE to always blog...I spend so much time blog stalking and gathering ideas, that most days, by the time I would even get around to blogging I'm sort of over it, and that's okay.  I think it's better not to drum up some generic blah blah blah just to post, you know?

Well, I'm off to finishing picking up the kitchen, and to hopefully watch a movie with the hubs...happy summer everyone! =)