Friday, April 27, 2012

End of year field trip...

Our end of the school year field trip was today.  We took our whole grade level to a place that's not too far from our town.  It's an Ecotarium, where they had some exhibits with live animals, and a very hands on, student-friendly science museum.  I absolutely LOVE the look you see on a child's face when they discover something new.  It's a huge part of why I've always wanted to teach, and I'm sure it's the same for many of us.  It was also a huge reminder of how important these trips are for students.  There are so many students, that for many different reasons, do not have these opportunities that many of us take for granted.  First I was shocked when we went to explore a pond ecosystem with our guides and were were less than two minutes into the walk out to the pond we had so many students who were tired from walking and ready to head back.  LESS THAN TWO MINUTES, you read that correctly.  It's so sad to me to think of these poor kids spending so much of their time inside and not getting fresh air.  Later on in the afternoon we were explore some animal habitats that were in separate out buildings.  In one there was a habitat with a couple of snakes, two skunks (stink-free of course), and a porcupine.  One of my girls had never seen a live porcupine before.  She stood there with her hands and face pressed against the glass, eyes wide open, staring in wonder at that porcupine.  Forget watching the animals, I couldn't stop watching my little darling.  Who knows if she would ever have been able to have this experience had she not had it today.  So, as hectic as it can be (especially when you take your seven busiest, most hyper, impulsive, challenging, students who need you the most in your group), it's an inspiring moment, and a great reminder of why we do what we do.  Overall I think the students' favorite part of the trip was the wind tube.  It was a stand up tube where you opened a door to get in (four kids could fit at once), closed the door, and pushed a button that pushed out air at hurricane force speeds.  Their facial expressions were priceless, and oh the hair!  I hope that you all have a happy, relaxing weekend!


  1. Hey thanks for checking out my blog!! You didn't come up as a new follower, but it's all good..
    That is too precious about your field trip.. children are so cute!

    1. That's so weird..I wonder if it's because I subscribed through email? Hmm...I clicked to follow the other way too just to be sure! =)

  2. We just came back from the Florida Theatre and the two that needed me the most sat on my left and my right! They were the best behaved in the whole crowd & loved the play....I was just like you, I spent more time watching them then the play!! It was worth all the work to make it happen!

    1. I love it when watching them captures my attention more than the show definitely shows how rewarding it can be! =)

  3. Hi Heather! Your field trip sounds awesome. It also sounds like you're in the RIGHT profession! You know when the kids' reactions touch you more than the FUN or entertaining stuff does, it's where you need to be! :-) I'm your newest follower! Hope you'll come by my blog and say hi and grab some freebies! Take care,


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